Change, Loss and Grief
We are all unique beings going through a transcendental experience on this plain. We face life with fears, doubt, anxiety, and uncertainty as we face change. Many of us resist the changes of life, we want things to remain the same and we hold on to a feeling of permanence generating “the suffering of change”. As Thich Nhat Hanh says, “It’s not impermanence that makes us suffer, it is wanting things to be permanent when they are not.”
Change generates loss and grief. No matter the type of change, collective or personal it generates a sense of loss and grief. Grief guides us to our heart, although it may feel broken at times. Grief takes us to a place we have never been and, with no return ticket. In our Grief Recovery and Bereavement Program, we maintain that if you are participating with us, there is a high probability that you are heart broken. It may have been caused by a death or an event long ago. It may have been caused by a divorce or the breakup of a romantic relationship. It may have been caused by any of the more forty losses that a person can encounter during a lifetime. It could be caused by an awareness that your life is not happy or fulfilling, as you want it to be.
Regardless of the cause of your broken heart, you know how you feel, and it probably isn’t good. We are not going to tell you how you feel. You already know. And we will not tell you “We know how you feel”, because we don’t. Neither does anyone else because we all grieve differently, with no stages or phases to follow or any time limit. At best, we remember how we felt when our losses occurred. We live in a society that encourages the denial of our losses and emotions; and, then we sit in isolation, or we run from our grief. As Francis Weller says, “Without some measure of intimacy with grief, our capacity to be with other emotions or experiences in our life is greatly compromised”.
We have a birth date, but our expiration date is unknown. And the time between one and the other is what we make out of our lives. Every moment is an enrichment of our life. Each step we take with love and compassion, allow us to move through each day with the resolve that we are living in the mystery of life.
Our intention is to be your companion in this journey called LIFE! Healing is the creation of a safe, friendly space, where you can tell your story and, know that someone is listening with attention and care.